2025/01/24 English accumulation
and so forth: It is used to mean
and other similar things
orand so on
. It’s a way of indicating that the list or examples given could continue, but you’re leaving out additional details because they’re understood to follow the same pattern. It is more formal thanetc.
oversight: It generally refers to
of a process, activity, or organization to ensure that it is functioning properly, ethically, and in compliance with regulations or standards.manifesto: It is a public declaration of principles, beliefs, or intentions, often issued by a political party, organization, or individual. A manifesto is typically a formal and structured statement that conveys the direction or ideology behind a movement, election campaign, or cause.
retrieve: It means to
get something back
orbring something back
from a particular place, especially after it has been lost, misplaced, or taken away. It can refer to physicallyfetching
an item, or to accessing and recovering information.viable: It refers to something that is
, orcapable of working successfully
. It is used to describe a plan, idea, solution, or course of action that is likely to be successful or achievable, given the available resources, constraints, and conditions.adversarial: It describes a situation, relationship, or environment where there is
, orcompetition
between two parties or groups. It often implies a hostile, competitive, or antagonistic nature, where one side’s success or position is seen as being in direct conflict with the other’s.hostile: It refers to an attitude, environment, or action that is
, orantagonistic
. It describes behaviour or conditions that reflect opposition, enmity, or a desire to cause harm or discomfort to someone or something.antagonistic: It describes someone or something that is opposed, hostile, or actively unfriendly. It refers to actions, attitudes, or behaviours that create or reflect conflict, opposition, or rivalry. An antagonistic person or force is one that creates tension or hostility, often in a deliberate way.