2025/01/15 English accumulation
hands-on activity: It is an expression that means practical, active involvement or direct experience with something, rather than just theoretical or observational.It refers to doing something yourself rather than just studying or observing it.
get to do something: It is an expression that means “have the opportunity or permission to do something“. It often conveys a sense of privillege or enjoyment in being able to do it.
the bulk of: It is an expression that means “the majority“ or “the largest part“ of something.
be provisioned to: It is an expression that means “be set up or prepared for a specific purpose or function”, typically with the necessary resources, equipment, or configuration required to perform a task or service.
persona: “Persona” originally comes from Latin, where it referred to a mask worn by actors in ancient Roman theatre, and later came to mean the character an individual presents to the outside world. It is often used in psychology to describe the social or public identity someone assumes. Currently, it is the identity or role that someone presents to the outside world, often shaped by social expectations or context.
foremost: It is used to describe something that is the most important or the leading in a given situation, whether in terms of importance, position, or rank. It’s a formal word and often used in more serious or academic contexts to highlight priorities or leadership.
as distinct from: It is used to show the contrast, highlight differences or to make a clear distinction between two things, indicating that they are different from each other in significant ways. It’s typically used to clarify or emphasize the separation between ideas, objects, or concepts.
correlate: It means to establish or indicate a relationship or connection between two things, where changes in one thing are associated with changes in another. It can be used in contexts involving statistics, research, or any situation where there is a noticeable relationship between two factors.
consultant: It generally refers to a professional who offers expert advice or guidance in a particular field. A consultant’s role is generally focused on advisory work rather than direct implementation or execution.