2025/01/23 English accumulation
utilize: It means to make practical or effective use of something. It often conveys a slightly more formal tone compared to “use.” Utilize is typically reserved for professional, academic, or technical contexts, whereas “use” is more versatile and widely applicable in casual settings.
okra: Okra is a green, pod-shaped vegetable that is commonly used in cooking, particularly in dishes from South Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. It is sometimes referred to as “ladies’ fingers” because of its slender shape.
cephalopods: It is a type of marine animal belonging to the mollusc family, characterized by bilateral body symmetry, a prominent head, and a set of tentacles or arms. Common examples of cephalopods include octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, and nautiluses. Cephalopods are fascinating and highly adaptable creatures of the sea, admired for their complex behaviors and unique physiology.
prerequisites: Prerequisites refer to the essential requirements or conditions that must be met before something else can happen or be achieved. prerequisites is a formal word than “requirement”.
anchor: A heavy object, usually made of metal, attached to a ship or boat by a cable or chain and dropped into the water to keep the vessel in place.